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23 articles written by Josephine

Ii am delighted to be able to share the news that I have had a short story published in Issue 89 of the online magazine Mildred! This is extraordinarily exciting for me, as it is a real milestone for me in my path to being a published author of novels. This publication makes me a genuinely published author! This is a massive step for me, and is a frankly elating way in which to start the New Year.

My piece, entitled ‘The Ring of Fire’ features as the magazine’s main Creative Writing piece for the issue. Unfortunately, because Mildred is solely an online publication, you can’t actually buy a hard-copy (although you can subscribe!), but, the enormous bonus is that you can always go back to old issues and check out their content!! Awesome or what?!

Anyway, please do have a read of my piece, and be sure to check out the rest of the issue!